Tuesday 12 January 2010

Anathema sint, Part II...

The other day, I wrote about a group of old fools styling themselves ''Stand up for Vatican II'' - well, on Monday afternoon (when I should have been doing Bede!), I spent a good hour composing some Latin canons against them. I am not quite finished yet, but here is what I have done so far:

I. Contra eos qui pacem concordiamque Sanctae Ecclesiae occidere moliuntur.

II. Contra eos qui in duas ecclesias Ecclesiam scindere audent.

III. Contra eos qui Latinam Liturgiam, id est Liturgia sanctorum patrum, oderunt.

IV. Contra eos qui conscientias eas potius quam doctrinas Ecclesiae (qui errare non possunt) stulte sequuntur.

V. Contra senes qui de Spiritu Sancto spirenti et fenestris aperientibus insaniendo delirant.

Itaque, ignorantia Sancti Concilii Vaticani et Sanctarum Scriptuarum et Traditionis Ecclesiae Occidentalis eos haereticos fecerit; nimis imperiti veritatis ostenduntur; lupi sunt, et lupi esse videntur. De istis locutus est a rege: ''noluit intelligere, ut bene ageret; iniquitatem meditatus est in cubili suo'' (Ps. 36:4).

More soon...nunc enim hora est studiorum plenissima, et nos iuvenes, ex feriis in collegium reditus, maledictionem primi parentis sentimus, in sudore vultus etc!


  1. Splendid stuff - quite agree!

    I suppose it would be churlish to correct the grammar...?!

  2. Well in that case... in IV, in the brackets, you want a feminine pronoun to agree with 'doctrinas'.

    In no. V, insaniendo - forgive me, but I don't quite understand this. Is it 'they are off the rails by being mad on people opening windows'? (in which case you need fenestras as obj of aperio, which is transitive - what you have appears to mean windows opening something else...)

    In the next para, Sanctarum Scripturarum (typo I guess). More seriously, don't forget loquor is a deponenent verb, so ,locutus est rex (nominative).

    Sorry, I have a very picky streak when it comes to Latin - comes of teaching prose composition to my undergrads I guess!! It's actually apart from those minor slips!
