Thursday 14 January 2010

O me miserum!

Patricius is not feeling very well at the moment as he has a terrible sore throat (the early signs of man-flu) and feels generally very run-down. Prayers would be welcome.

By the way, I just checked my Sitemeter and I have had almost 300 visitors today! I checked the Referrals and the vast majority have come from New Advent and looked at my lovely photo - a consolation amidst other cares and griefs. Now I shall finish my soup, put my uniform in the tumble-dryer and get some much-needed sleep - it has been a long day and I must be up early for work.

I did in fact read some of St Hilary today, but his style was rather more difficult than I expected and didn't do any real translation. I did, however, get a copy of the Corpus Christianorum (the Latin Series) out of the Library which I shall tackle over the weekend.

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