Sunday, 10 January 2010

Anathema sint...

I have just read on Mulier Fortis of a group styling itself ''Stand Up for Vatican II.'' Look at their website for a good laugh - there's nothing more pathetic than a geriatric telling me about how to ''move with the times.''

I enjoy reading the Canons of Ecumenical Councils. I thought about composing some of my own, such as ''if anyone despises the Old Rite, let him be anathema...'' or a few like that, but I suppose at the risk of being labelled a fanatic, I'll just leave it...I expect that charity and prayers on behalf of these sick people might cover a multitude of sins, and Lord knows, they may get well...


  1. The website is hardly Catholic at all. It's Protestant, and ultimately quite sad. I really get quite vexed when reading such pseudo-Catholic nonsense. There are a myriad of protestant sects out there, enough to meet every individuals mood. Why can't they just join one of them and leave the Catholic Church for those who desire, by the grace of God, to actually uphold the Catholic faith?

  2. ... translator of Hans Kung... feminist theologian ... advocate for married clergy ... Ah Yes, the usual suspects.

    I wonder why the liturgical dancers couldn't make it?
