Wednesday 22 July 2009

St Mary Magdalen...

I have only just got in from work, so I have had no chance at all today to comment on St Mary Magdalen (one of my favourite Saints, and my Latin teacher's patron). She was a Penitent, and is liturgically treated as one of the Apostles - since she witnessed to the Resurrection (well she used to be at least). I was always in love with St Mary Magdalen, she is the archetypal penitent - having led a life of sin, she ''turned her life around'' (sorry about the cliché). I think that sorrow for our sins is one of the most beautiful aspects of Catholicism - sorrow for our sins, and joy in the great mercy of God seem to interpenetrate; and in this sense, St Mary Magdalen is one of the great models to us. But alas! Our sorrow is sometimes not sufficient, and we lapse. Would that there were a kind of ''resting place,'' where charity and humility came easily - but perhaps sorrow, and the awareness of sin, enrich the infallible dimension of God's Wisdom and Mercy (afterall, He is wise, we are foolish).

I shall cease rambling now. Sancta Maria Magdalena, ora pro nobis.

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