Thursday 4 June 2009

Crucifixus etiam pro nobis...

This is probably my favourite painting of the High Renaissance period. It is Pietro Perugino's Crucifixion triptych. Shadowed somewhat by the more famous Raphael Mond Crucifixion, I think it is much more worthy. Perugino is, of course, better remembered for his famous fresco in the Sistine Chapel, The Delivery of the Keys. Enjoying a nice piece of Religious art (also marvelling at Ecclesiastical architecture) rather reminds me of Evelyn Waugh's diary entry at Eastertime 1964:
'''Participate' - the cant word - does not mean to make a row as the Germans suppose. One participates in a work of art when one studies it with reverence and understanding.'' (Evelyn Waugh, A Bitter Trial, p.38).

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