Tuesday 30 June 2009

Amo, Amas, Amat...

...or in my case it was Paro, Paras, Parat. I am having a day of organising old University notes and handouts. I keep the vast majority of them in old W.H Smith Narrow-ruled A4 size writing pads - and where masses of them are piled on top of eachother, they get all dog-eared and creased etc. Today, I decided to have a massive ''spring-clean'' and get rid of all the superfluous and out-of-date stuff (many of them were just odd sheets upon which I did ''doodling'' in the Library, or in some cases even in lectures; some sheets I had filled up with things like 1964+45=2009, 1892+81=1973, 1947+41=1988, 1961+27=1988 etc; some were just odd scribblings, in Latin in most cases, examples of the monumental amount of Time that I have wasted over the last three years!) I keep all of them in two old toy boxes (bright red and blue), kept from my youth, under my bed.

Anyway, I've been doing this since about Midday, and the time now is 3:20pm. Amusingly, I have come across the first ever test I did for Latin (I knew nothing whatsoever at this time). It goes (in my Latin teacher's spidery script):

TEST: FIRST CONJUGATION Present Tense (and then she wrote: ''Whose?'' - since I had not signed my name)

Conjugate ''Paro'' in the Present Tense.

I. Paro
II. Paras
III. Parat
I. Paramus
II. Paratis
III. Parant

In what order are pronouns used for Conjugations?

I. I
II. You (I wrote Thou to be pedantic)
III. He/She/It
I. We
II. You (plural)
III. They

I got 12/12 and she wrote Optime! You may think it odd that I have sentimental feelings about a test, but this was the real start of my education...Anyway, back to work!

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