Friday 4 December 2009

Comments on this Blog...

Having taken the advice of the wise Mulier Fortis, I have edited the comment moderation on this blog. I do not accept Anonymous comments, but bloggers who wish to comment as of now no longer need to fill in the ''word verification'' thingy to indicate they're not robots or whatever. If I remember rightly, the reason I installed that in the first place was because I received a spam comment, but as I was advised today, since I am in charge of what appears in the Comment box anyway, I can delete or publish at my whim. I hope leaving comments is now not such a bother anymore...


  1. Excellent decision... and thanks for the link!!

  2. I introduced the 'word verification' box on my blog because I got sick and tired of the amount of spam coming through. Whilst I was at Downside Abbey, I had to get rid of nearly 10-15 spam messages when I got back. Hopefully you will have more luck than me!
